close up of a mixer

A Complete Guide to Music Production in Six Steps

Creating music is like sculpting a piece of art. It’s not just hitting the record button; it’s a process. Here’s how I, step-by-step, breathe life into my musical ideas.



Great tracks don’t pop out of thin air. I constantly jot down ideas in my notebook. I sketch song structures and write lyrics. I’ll create a rough demo. Pre-production is my blueprint. It’s the roadmap for where I’m headed in the studio. This stage often entails rehearsal time too, where I’m ironing out kinks and refining my vision.

Read the full article here.



Here’s where the rubber meets the road. In the studio, I lay down the backbone of the record first. This usually means drums, bass, rhythm guitars, and sometimes piano. I then progress to vocals (starting with lead, then harmonies), followed by any other melody instrument, such as lead guitar. I’m aiming for the best performance possible at this stage.

Read the full article here.



It’s clean-up time. Sometimes, in the heat of recording, there are slip-ups. A note out of time or a click that shouldn’t be there. I go through the takes and polish them. Comping is the process of selecting the best runs of a given track. I also use this stage to erase any unwanted noise or frequencies. Editing helps to make sure each track is tight and clean.

Read the full article here.



During mixing, we balance and enhance the elements of the recording as a whole (unlike editing, which is track-by-track). It’s like cooking, where each ingredient should be in just the right amount. I make sure that all essential elements can be heard, and the track feels cohesive. It’s also where I add effects to give the song depth and space.

Read the full article here.



Mastering is like adding a final coat of polish. It ensures that my track sounds great, whether it’s played on a massive sound system or tiny earbuds. I ensure that volumes are consistent and give it that final “sheen.” Don’t confuse mastering with mixing. Each is distinct and incredibly important. Also, I find it very difficult to master in my home studio. It’s the one part of the process I will forever outsource.

Read the full article here.



Now, my track is ready to fly. But how does it get to listeners? I export the final version and distribute it to music platforms. Spotify, Apple, Amazon, SoundCloud, and Bandcamp – among many others. I use the distribution services provided by TuneCore, which provides me with everything I need. This step is also where I engage with my audience, sharing my creation and hoping they connect with it.

Read the full article here.

The Wrap

And there you have it. My journey from concept to creation. Music production is both an art and a science; each step is crucial. Seeing (or hearing) your ideas come to life is beautiful.

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