21 Hundred Miles

Words & Music by Jameson Fox, 2021

Bill was ambling ‘round his New Hampshire home
When he came upon a trail he thought he’d like to roam
It turns out that this trail is the world’s longest path
The Appalachian Trail is for the psychopath
It stretches out from Georgia to Mount Katahdin Maine
Twenty-one hundred miles this was no game

Twenty-one, Twenty-one hundred miles long
Twenty-one, Twenty-one hundred miles long

Bill looked for a partner he thought could tag along
‘Cause damn this AT trail was impossibly long
He searched through social media most of the night
‘till he found a girl named Katz who appeared alright 
So when they finally met up to begin their load
They drove up Katahdin outside Roaring Brook Road

Twenty-one, Twenty-one hundred miles long
Twenty-one, Twenty-one hundred miles long

It started going well as they made their descent
They got to know each other by sharing a tent
But then the trail gave away to cliffs and climbs
With clouds of blackflies making harder times
They grabbed they pulled at roots and slid down ravines
Mahoosuc Notch was murder on their broken knees

Twenty-one, Twenty-one hundred miles long
Twenty-one, Twenty-one hundred miles long

With Shelter Brook in sight they were feeling okay
Though more grueling weeks were standing in their way
The White Mountains looming two days around the bend
Rockslides, slippery slopes, it’s the top of the end 
Katz was feeling good about their journey so far
Bill was longing to play on his acoustic guitar

Twenty-one, Twenty-one hundred miles long
Twenty-one, Twenty-one hundred miles long

They dragged their dirty bodies to the trail at Bill’s home
Where they took a break a breather to rest their bones
They thought they’d spend a night with a pillow on bed
With a shower and hot meal to prove they weren’t dead
But that one night turned days, weeks, months, and years
Soon they married to explore new frontiers 

Twenty-one, Twenty-one hundred miles long
Twenty-one, Twenty-one hundred miles long


from Muddy Banks, released September 14, 2021